Youth Programs
Youth Development Programming
With more than a 25 year history of working with urban youth during the school year and summer, Vibrant Futures introduced our newest after school and summer program: Healthy, Educated, Agile, and Thriving (H.E.A.T.) in 2020. With much of the schools and other OST infrastructures closed as a result of the pandemic, we want to assure urban youth three things:
- The community cares about how they fare.
- There is a place for them to convene safely and engage in life-giving, future oriented activities.
- The community and our leaders will use their influence to hear, support, engage and speak life into their situations.
The H.E.A.T. targets urban youth with a focus on high schoolers living in low-opportunity, under-resourced neighborhoods. The H.E.A.T. academy focuses on 5 key areas:
- Health & Wellness - Youth engage in low-impact health and wellness exercises and games to get the body moving, exert youthful energy and keep the body agile.
- Thrive-Up - youth focus on their social-emotional selves, including managing emotions, improving decision making and adopting a growth mind-set.
- Mind-Stretch - Youth participate in academic monitoring, enrichment & supports through digital learning platforms. Options to expand learning through Khan Academy. Youth engaged in SAT preparation.
- Future-Orientation - Youth focus on discovering their purpose, talents, skills and connect these to future opportunities and careers.
- Wisdom Speaks - Fashioned after the infamous Morehouse College Convocation, urban youth hear from community role models with proven success and similar stories. They reflect on what’s possible in their lives when focus and intentionality are deployed.
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