Welcome to Caring for a Child with Autism! If you are caring for young children, you will very likely have a child with signs of autism or a diagnosis of autism at some time. This class is designed to help you care for a child you suspect has or who has already been diagnosed with Autism or Asperger Syndrome or something else on the Autism Spectrum of Disorders (ASD).
When you have successfully completed the quiz for this class, you will be able to download your training certificate. Your class completion will be recorded on MiRegistry within 5 business days.
If you have any questions, please contact Tonya @ tonyac@vibrantfuturesmi.org.
If you have a child in your care that has not been diagnosed, but you suspect may have a disability, visit www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/concerned.html. You can also encourage the parents to call Early On www.1800earlyon.org if the child is under 3 years old and their local school district or Build Up Michigan https://buildupmi.org/ if the child is 3 years or older.
See checklist here or visit THIS WEBSITE below for a list of early signs of autism. This information cannot replace a diagnostic assessment.